About Us
Welcome to jz.birds
Welcome to jz.birds, where bird lovers and sticker enthusiasts flock together! We specialize in selling products featuring our feathered friends in all their glory. From the majestic American Robin to the regal
Bald Eagle and the vibrant Baltimore Oriole, we've got a beak-tiful collection of bird designs that will make your heart
soar. -
So, who's the bird designer behind jz.birds? That would be our founder, Julian. With a passion for bird graphic design and a love for all things
quirky, Julian started this business in 2018 in the charming city of Bielefeld. He wanted to share his feathered creations with the world and bring a
little bit of avian charm into people's lives. -
So whether you're a bird lover, a nature enthusiast, or simply someone
who appreciates unique and meaningful designs, we invite you to explore
our collection and find the perfect bird-inspired products that speak to
your soul. Let jz.birds be your go-to destination for all your
bird-themed needs and let the beauty of these creatures inspire you
every day.